Friday, July 5, 2013

After Earth concepts

Various deisgns we did for the film After Earth, which included futuristic technology, weaponry, and FX sequences.

We designed a "wormhole" effect, with the idea that the ship itself remains still relative to the viewer, but space in front it gets compressed into a singular point, and then expanded back to full size behind the ship, propelling it forward. Entire galaxies get crunched into the size of a pinhead, pass through the ship, and then explode to their original size in its wake.


The weapon of choice in this future is something like a transforming swiss army knife;  an expandable, double-eged staff which can reconfigure itself for different functions.. including a blade, a taser prod, and a water purifier.
It is made of some kind of living fiber which can change size and shape on command.

For a probe design, we experimented with different types of exotic biotechnology, which could be economically grown on demand and infused with robotic implants.

These sketches explored the various nuts-and-bolts of the sensory equipment.

 And some otherworldly plant life.


Unknown said...

Awesome, Jason! So cool you're sharing this!

Unknown said...

Awesome, Jason! So cool you're sharing this!!

Unknown said...

Good stuff Jason!

Unknown said...

Good stuff Jason!